On sale

Yoni Pearl Applicator

$6.99 - $30.00
  • Yoni Pearl Applicator

1 time use Applicator

Inserting your pearl will be much easier and less messy.

How to use it?

1. Wash your hands thoroughly
2. Take the tampon out and insert the pearl bottoms up with string hanging out the end of the applicator.
3. Make sure the ball of the pearl is sitting right and up top for easy insertion.
4. Insert the applicator with pearl in the forefront into your vagina approximately 7 centimeters deep.
5. Once applicator is comfortably in deep enough push the rod into the cylinder until the pearl is expelled/deposited into your vagina.
6. You should see the string hanging outside from your vagina for Pearl retrieval.

*Applicator ONLY (Yoni Pearl NOT included)