On sale

Yummy Detox Pearls

$14.99 - $115.00
  • Yummy Detox Pearls

Yummy Macarons detox pearl suppositories are the perfect all natural intimate detox solution and are targeted to help improve many intimate female health conditions. As a result of their safe and all natural components, they bring soothing relief to a wide variety of conditions and common discomforts experience by women of all ages all over the world.

Yummy Yoni's detox pearl suppositories natural feminine detox are manufactured from entirely all natural process that is loyal to holistic ingredients sourced from traditional Chinese medicine that has been around and trusted by women for more than 5000 years.

Yummy's detox pearl suppositories do not contain chemical additives and are manufactured in the most sterile environments. The manufacturing process is conducted under strict safety conditions and in “GMP” standard approved facilities in order to ensure that they pass rigorous health standards and offer maximum health benefits. They have absolutely no side effects, are non-toxic and have passed more than 1000 clinical trials to further confirm the safety of its components.

Each pack holds 3 pearls which equals to 1 cleanse

1 cleanse = 1 treatment
Each Pearl = 1g of herbs

💃Bulk purchases get 10 FREE applicators

1. Thoroughly wash your hands, open the pouch, remove one new pearl.
2. Pull out the string of the pearl.
3. Steep in warm water for 5 to 10 minutes.
4. Remove from water and insert inside vagina approximately 7 centimeters deep using an empty tampon applicator. Leave some string hanging outside the vagina for Pearl retrieval.
5. Remove the pearl from your vagina 24 hours later.
6. You may insert a second new Pearl 24 hours after you removed pearl #1. Remove pearl #2 24 hours later.
7. You may insert a third new Pearl 24 hours later after you removed pearl #2. Remove pearl #3 24 hours later.

*Please wait 2-3 days before starting another round/cycle (may not be necessary...see cleansing chart). If you are experiencing any gynecological disorder, please seek the assistance of a licensed medical professional.

Do not ingest Pearls.

Do not have sexual intercourse during treatment. In case you wish to have sexual intercourse, you must remove the pearl, thoroughly rinse your vaginawith warm water and wait 3 hours before having intercourse.

Do not start a second round until a minimum of 2-3 days after your last round.

Do not use during your menstrual cycle. Do not use Pearls 7 days before the onset of menstruation and wait at least 3 days after the ladt day of menstruation before using the Pearls.

Do not use more than 5 pearls per month

Drink at least half of your body weight in ounces of water while detoxing and use only 1 detox pearl suppositories if you are sensitive. This will help you flush out the toxins and facilitate the discharge from your womb.

Consult your doctor or physician before use if you are currently taking any prescribed medication to discuss any possible interactions with the herbs.

Do not use IF you are pregnant/ breastfeeding and strictly avoid if your hymen is intact or have an IUD.

Disclaimer: Yummy Macarons' Yoni products support health and wellness based on traditional knowledge and wisdom. Consequently these products have not been evaluated by the FDA. Consult a qualified healthcare provider to address specific health care needs or concerns. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or diseases. The decision to use, or not to use any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader.